Twenty twenty came with lots of heartache, confusion and a blurred vision. Not even certain where to begin.
New Years Eve was spent in a crowded hospital room with my mom and family. She was admitted for unknown pains in her legs that began in December. We brought in the new year in her hospital room. She soon recovered and is doing well.
The next month, my dad had surgery to remove cancer that was found on his kidney. Blessed to know that the surgery was all he needed to rid the cancer. He still has his follow ups. I am grateful to God that his cancer treatment was minimal and curable.
Then came March. There was a lot of fuzziness happening. An illness had reached the US. I don’t believe it just reached us then, but it was when our country began to really take note of what was happening and the communication about the virus started to become the main thing. Everything started to shutdown including schools, businesses, restaurants, and even the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Little did we know that this virus was about to wipe us all out and transform the world and life we live.
March was also devastating because we lost one of our best friends. He passed away from a car accident. It was such a sudden loss that still to this day is hard to believe. Many were heartbroken and still carry this loss heavy.
April and May is when our world truly shut down. Everyone was informed to stay home. Only essential personnel were allowed to be out. School was up in the air. Each week educators wondered if they will get to return to school before the end of the year. Teachers and school leaders scrambled around trying to make school happen online with little time to prep yet expected to have quick answers. Answers began to be “I don’t know? Or we have to wait.” High school and college graduations either became virtual or postponed.
June hit and it hit hard. My husband’s father, my father in law passed away after being ill (not from Covid) for a month in the hospital. It was a tough month. My children lost their first grandparent. This was a heavy loss for my husband, especially since he had just lost one of his closest of friends in March. The pain from his loss is still heavily felt.
Most of this world wide quarantined time was spent bbq-ing and bike riding with my family. The stillness of the world was in some way calming considering all that we were coping with in our little world.
July and August was all a blur. My son’s college graduation that was originally postponed turned into a virtual ceremony. He was disappointed, but we made the most of it with a home ceremony. We celebrated his accomplishment with our family. This is one of the highlights of our year- seeing our son receive his degree. It brought about some sunshine and excitement to our little world.
August came and schools were opening up - virtually that is. All districts had their own timeline as to how long they would remain virtual. The first day of school brought tears to my eyes as I walked the halls looking into classrooms of teachers teaching into computers. Not a student present. It was the most oddest thing to witness. The teachers pulled all the stops out to give the best instruction they could with what they knew at the time.
September and October rolled around and plans for face to face school was in the air. Districts were beginning to have students in person. Questions were continuously asked about safety. That was the only thing that mattered. Fear was pronounced by families and educators alike. How were we going to make the most of the school year? School was transformed to be unlike it ever was. Nonetheless, everyone gave it their all.
The year ended quietly. New Years Eve was a bittersweet evening. Not only were we saying goodbye to 2020, but it felt like we were leaving a lot behind too. Praying 2021 is brought with much blessing for all!